
Thursday, November 11, 2010

Waiting for Daikon Radish

According to the seed packet, this Daikon Radish is supposed to be a fast grower and be ready to harvest in 45 days.  Well, my radishes obviously didn't get that memo.  It's been over 75 days since I planted the seeds and I'm just now starting to see signs of some root growth.  They don't look very big to me, though, compared to how I had envisioned them.  Maybe they don't like the heavy clay soil in this small in-ground garden, even though I tried to amend it as much as possible by adding some "good" dirt.

Daikon radishes are going be one of my last harvests from the Indiana garden this year, so I'm trying to be patient.

Ack, I'm so not good at being patient for garden harvests!


  1. I don't think many of us gardeners have patience when it comes to garden harvests!! You will truely enjoy the late in the season harvest when they are ready :)

  2. It's definitely the soil. We grew radishes in our clay hard soil this year and it took 60 days for them to fully form, when it was only supposed to be 30 days. I think the raised beds will do it wonders!

  3. Good luck with those. I would love to grow daikon but my raised beds aren't deep enough!

  4. I hope they will grow some more! I have never tried growing Daikon Radish.

  5. The days to maturity on a seed packet are for spring planting when the day length and sun strength are increaasing. Fall plantings require much longer to grow and if not started soon enough actually will just "hibernate" for a while until the sun strength and length returns. Your radishes would probably grow in the usual time if they were planted in spring. Meanwhile, you have a good crop growing and while they may be slow due to the conditions - they are growing!

  6. I grew my daikon and it took around 90 days to get to full size, and they were in a sieved compost. I just think that some people like them young and raw, whilst I like mine fully formed for cooking.

    A word of warning: they should survive quite well in the ground, according to the experts. Mine went from fully formed to rotted in around 1 week.

    I did discover that if you cut them up into large chunks and boil in stock with pepper and fish sauce for about five minutes (presuming you will be using them in Asian casseroles/stews and the like). they do freeze well. Once you need them, just add them about 10-15 minutes from the end, and they keep most of their texture. Just don't overcook before freezing, although they do need a little bit more than a mere blanch.

  7. I think the entire radish family dances to the beat of a different drummer. I've had bad luck in good dirt and vice versa.

  8. Your daikon looks good, have you harvested it yet?

  9. Robin - You're right, waiting for the late harvest is almost always worth it, except when the pests get to them first!:)

    * * * * *
    meemsnyc - Ah, that makes sense. Hope our new raised beds work well for us next spring!

    * * * * *
    Holly - Thank you!

    * * * * *
    vrtlarica - you're so good at growing just about anything, I'm sure you could grow these if you had any interest!

    * * * * *
    kitsapFG - I did know that the DTM was just a guideline, but I didn't think about fall planting taking longer than spring planting due to sun strength/length. It totally makes sense!

    * * * * *
    TIG - when I planted the daikon radish seeds, I hadn't really decided how to use them. It was all part of my first year gardener's excitement of "let's see if it grows and then I'll decide what to do with it!" But thank you for the cooking tips!

    * * * * *
    Dan Owen - gardening for me so far has been anything but predictable!

    * * * * *
    Mac - actually I haven't! They still in the ground, probably under 10 inches of snow right now. Eek.

  10. شركه نقل أثاث أو كما يقول القلة شركه نقل اثاث هي واحد من مؤسسات نقل الأثاث بجده أو شركات نقل الاثاث والمتتشرة علي مدى واسع في جده والمناطق الاخري داخل المملكة السعودية ، على الارجح تشعر بالقلق عندما تجد نفسك أما تلك العبارة احتاج الي لنقل وتغليف الاثاث من جده ألي مساحة اخري ، لان ذلك الامر يطلب مركبات مخصة لشحن الاثاث والعفش ، فضلا على عملية فك وتغليف الاثاث المنزلي او المكتبي لهو تعب شاق علي الكثيرون
    شركه نقل عفش من الرياض الى الجبيل
    شركه نقل اثاث من الرياض الى الجبيل
    شركه نقل عفش
