
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Rosemary from Seed - Update

I started growing some rosemary from seed last May.  The first four months of excruciatingly slow growth were described here.  Since then, we've taken the low maintenance approach of just ignoring it altogether except watering once every other week or so.  Apparently the rosemary likes it that way, because it's still growing.  It's not exactly growing fast, but it's growing.

Rosemary on April 2, 2011 (at about 10 1/2 months)
We took this picture with the rosemary on the kitchen counter right next to the wall light switch for size comparison.  That tall stem standing straight up is actually leaning up against a wooden craft stick for support.  It looks like the rosemary is starting to branch out (the beginning of a tiny little rosemary bush??), so maybe it's time to transfer it to a bigger container.


  1. Beautiful! I love rosemary plants! Mine were seeded about a month ago, but out of 6 only 2 germinated, really tiny as of now.

  2. You are a lot more patient than I am....

  3. I love it, a symbol of what gardening is truly about -just find the way!

  4. My goodness it has taken quite a long time to grow! The plant definitely looks good! I started some rosemary about 9 weeks ago and they are about 1 1/2 iches tall now. They did take awhile to germinate, but not as long as yours did. I have noticed that they seem to like being dry. This is the first time I have grown it from seed. I ususally pick up a small plant at the flea market and put it in the herb garden.

  5. Oh wow, I am so impressed! I didn't get good results from my Rosemary plant from seed. It died. Did you have this under grow lights?

  6. Good job, your rosemary plant looks great. This is one of the few plants we still purchase as we just can't get them to grow fast enough from seed in our short growing season...maybe I need to try harder and be more patient as you were with yours.

  7. You have a LOT of patience LOL!

  8. RandomGardener - 33%, I think you're right at average! I hope they grow well, but be prepared for a long wait!

    Katie - I forced myself to just forget about it, so I wouldn't drive myself quite so crazy waiting for it to grow.

    Jody - I agree!

    Holly - thank you!

    Robin - I've been tempted so many times to buy one of those nicely plants from the nursery, but I didn't want to cheat on my own rosemary baby!

    meemsnyc - it's been in the grow box, so more like "around" grow lights, not exactly "under."

    Mr. H. - thank you! It definitely does not grow fast enough in one growing season if you mean to actually eat/use it in the kitchen. I'm hoping to be rewarded this year!

    Erin - that or stubbornness!

  9. Hi! I would love to see them now!
