
Monday, July 5, 2010

7/5/10 Harvest Monday

First an update on last week's Green Onion Experiment:

They are growing!  Slowly, yes, but all the green onion root stubs from last week are making progress.  In the picture below (click on photo to enlarge), you can see tiny bits of green starting to come up from the 1/8-inch long root stubs that I cut off from three full-grown green onions last week.  The root stubs from green onions thinnings, which were cut longer at around 1 inch each, have green growth of more than an inch already. The rest of the large green onions in this pot have been growing for about two months now from 2-inch root stubs of supermarket green onions.

I harvested the rest of the full-grown green onions from this pot.  Unfortunately, some of the white bulb parts got mushy and infested with onion maggots (ewwww), so those got tossed.  The rest of them look good enough to eat.

I also got a couple (yes, only TWO) of tiny sugar snap peas from my pea plants that I thought were dead.  And the bush beans are starting to produce some green beans.

One of these days, I hope I will actually harvest more than a pound of veggies in a week.  I get such a huge case of vegetable envy every time I see mouth-watering pictures of other people's large and colorful harvests.

See Daphne's Harvest Monday for other veggie growers' harvests.


  1. You will get there! The harvests are always really slow to begin with and then pick up speed as the summer unfolds and as your skill with gardening increases you will learn how to start the season a little earlier and end it later - so you end up with more harvests throughout the year.

  2. I LOVE the photo of one bean and two peas. I took a photo of my blackberry harvest this week--four berries--but didn't post it. I should have. The week before, I got ONE berry. I just ate it. No weighing, no logging it it. Keep up the good work.

  3. No need to worry....before you know will be to your ears in veggies :)

  4. Thymetogarden, I'm loving following your posts! You have inspired me to start green onions again. They just haven't done anything yet. Last year I planted seeds, and they were very slow! Maybe I will buy some green onions from the store and plant the bottoms. Keep up the great work! Oh, and just so you know, your beans are miles ahead of mine. I planted a row over a week ago, and only one came up. I'm off to the hardware store to get more seed. Grr.

  5. kitsapFG - thank you so much for your encouragement. On the one hand, I get so much inspiration and information from following other veggie gardeners' blogs. On the other hand, it's almost depressing to see how others measure their harvest in pounds and I'm still sitting here counting every bean. :)

    * * * * *
    Lou Murray - aw, thank you! I was afraid that others would laugh at my picture of one bean and two peas, but when you don't have a lot to work with, you just have to work what you've got! I admit, I was very tempted to munch on the sugar snap peas right away, but I had to hold myself back until I got the picture taken first.

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    Robin - I can't wait for that day to arrive!

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    Dirt Lover - and I'm loving having you follow my posts! I quickly learned to love planting grocery store green onion bottoms, because they grow much quicker than growing green onions from seeds. Let me know how your new beans grow!

  6. It is great information that your experiment with green onions is working. I will definitely try this!
    All veggies are slow at first, soon you won’t have time to do all other garden chores, but you will be busy harvesting.

  7. Hmm maybe I should move my bunching onions to my new garden. I love them so much and really would hate to lose them when my old house sells. I'm already losing enough in the garden. They've got to be easy to transplant if you can get little tiny stubs of the onions to grow.

  8. Allison, thank you! Green onions seem to be one thing that's growing well in my garden so far. I would add "without any pests," but since the discovery of the onion maggots, I can't say that anymore.
    * * * * *
    vrtlarica, every time I get frustrated with the slow growing progress, I keep trying to remember advice like yours from more experienced gardeners.
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    Daphne, in my very limited experience as a veggie gardener so far, I discovered that green onions are extremely easy to transplant. And also very forgiving! They don't seem to mind having some roots ripped off when you pull them out of the soil, and seem eager to start (re)growing as soon as they get put back in soil, even after spending a lot of in-between time exposed to the air.

  9. Veggie envy - I wish my beans were producing already...

    I grew green onions for the first time this season. I started from seed with little trouble, but I am very curious and excited to try the root recycling method! That's pretty much what I do with garlic - I planted a couple of cloves of supermarket garlic throughout my garden this spring and it's all growing like crazy. Can't wait to pull the buggers.

  10. Sarah Ruth, I might have to borrow that phrase "root recycling" from you! It's worked out really well for my green onions. I haven't tried garlic yet, but I will definitely be trying out some late fall planting of supermarket garlic. Looking forward to reading about your garlic harvest!
