
Thursday, July 8, 2010

They Picked Us!

Something exciting happened around here yesterday.

No, no, my tomato plants didn't spontaneously bear hundreds of perfectly-shaped and fully-ripened fruits overnight. Oh, I wish.

A representative from CSN Stores offered us an opportunity to review one of their products with a $40 store credit. CSN Stores sells all sorts of things on their many websites, including lights, greenhouse products, cookware, and lots more. Many of their products also come with free shipping, which is like the holy grail of online shopping for me.

Now, I like freebies just as much as the next person, but I was actually more excited that someone from this company found AND selected our blog for this offer. Then again, I still get super excited and do a (silent) happy dance every time I get a new comment or a follower.

As a building engineer with a specialty in lights, Keith considered selecting and reviewing one of their lights. I admit, they do have some cool lighting products. Still, with this being a vegetable gardening blog, I wanted to pick something more gardening-related. So, we're going with a gardening product, because sometimes Keith just lets me have my way without any fussing. You might think that this is because he's a nice person (which he is), but I have a secret suspicion that it's because he thinks I'm really, really cute.

Anyway, I'm considering one of these products from their greenhouses site.


Next spring, we could use our homemade indoor grow box to start our seeds, and then use one of these covered growing racks to harden off the seedlings before they go into our garden beds. I can't wait to try this out with tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, melons and anything else with seeds needing an early indoor start.

What do you think?  Do you have any suggestions on another product we should try out instead?

The generous CSN Stores representative also mentioned that they may let us host a giveaway for a gift certificate to one of you in a few months. Then we get to pick a lucky winner among you readers. Ohh, I can't wait to host my first giveaway on this blog!


  1. Hey! Wow! My mom had one of these little greenhouse things. I can't remember which size it was, though. As far as I remember, she loved it. I think it would be a great thing for you to try out. Oh, and keep up the cute gig, it should get you lots!

  2. Lori, thanks for telling me about your mom's greenhouse. I'm totally looking forward to trying something like this out to expand my gardening experience.

  3. That is some grow box you have!

    It is cages and bamboo that I use. Basically the main stem is tied to the bamboo and then the cage can be used to tie heavy fruit to or suckers that I let grow.

  4. Thank you Dan! The grow box is working well so far during our trial run. We're really looking forward to the next growing season to give it a go with a variety of seeds.

    Also many thanks for the info about tomatoes. I need to figure out a better way to support our tomatoes next year.

  5. Well, I would say that 4-tier rack is always better than a 2-tier rack. And it will be definitely useful for seedlings next year.

  6. Quote "Then again, I still get super excited and do a (silent) happy dance every time I get a new comment or a follower. " I KNOW THIS FEELING!! (BIG SMILE)

    How exciting to be chosen!! The growing rack would be wonderful to have!! YEAH FOR YOU!!! (doing happy dance with you)

  7. vrtlarica - I also like the extra capacity with the 4-tier, but I'm a bit worried about the rack possibly falling over in heavy winds. We do get some heavy winds here from time to time.

    * * * * *
    debiclegg - thank you thank you!!

  8. Looks like a cool greenhouse. Hope you get it to try out!

  9. meemsnyc - eek, I still haven't ordered it, but reading your comment is a good reminder that I need to do that soon! Thank you!

  10. How did it go? Thinking about buying one as a starting point :))
