
Saturday, August 28, 2010

NOT Hale's Best Jumbo

Remember when I thought last week that I had a strange bush type of Hale's Best Jumbo cantaloupe?  My readers convinced me that not only do I not have a Hale's Best Jumbo cantaloupe, I may actually have some sort of a weed.  The male flowers have opened, and the plant now has some sort of female flowers (I think), too.  I still have no idea what this plant is.  If you can identify this plant from the flowers, please let me know!  If I really spent the last two months babying this plant that turned out to be just a weed, I might as well know what it is.  Thank you for looking!

Open flower.  The flower buds all look orange, but the flowers are actually yellow.  They only opened for a few hours during the day.

Orange flower buds, and these new things that may be some sort of female flower and/or fruit?

More close-ups of these new female flower/fruit things

The whole plant


  1. Hmmm, that is a mystery. I must say, I was trying to picture cantaloupe growing on an upright plant:) I hope somebody knows.

  2. Hmmm. Looks hollyhocky or passion viney but I'm useless. Interesting mystery, though. Did it look like a melon seedling?

  3. I am an absolute loss when it comes to plant identities... However, beautiful pictures!! Thanks for the comment on my blog, I am working on getting back in the swing of things. This summer has not been friendly to our garden, and in retrospect, my garden blog. I hope you become a follower, and I promise to work on it more!

  4. My guess is a form of Indian mallow -

  5. That plant, whatever it is, sure is pretty. I have a really good book on wildflowers and will try and check this out.

  6. It does look a lot like what Mr H suggested...

  7. Ooohhh garden mystery! Can't wait to find out with you. Since I'm such a garden rookie, I won't even try guessing. Pretty flowers though!

  8. I have these, too, in the high desert north of Reno, NV. I'm a former master gardener and still have no clue what they are. (!) I do know they are not hollyhock or mallow. They volunteer in my veg garden every year and I have to assume they came in a seed packet since there are none anywhere else in the area I live in. I hope somebody notices this and can identify it.

  9. Very strange, but at least the flowers are pretty?

    I've had that happen a few times, where I spend a lot of effort taking care of a seedling only to find out it's not what I thought it was or it turns out to be some kind of weed.

    I know how you feel! :)

  10. Heather - according to google, some bush types of cantaloupe do exist, but I could not find pictures of plants anywhere. I'm totally curious myself, too, even if what I have is definitely not it.

    * * * * *
    Stefaneener - the seedling did look similar to a melon seeding, with relatively large first set of leaves, followed by those big leaves typical of melons. The one main difference was that this plant has very velvety leaves, which I know it not like cucurbit leaves.

    * * * * *
    Tiny Gardener - Thanks for stopping by! I will definitely look forward to more of your updates.

    * * * * *
    Mr. H. - thank you for that link. The female flower/fruit part does look very similar to the ones one that link for indian mallow, but the leaves and the male flowers look different. But you might be right, it could be something related.

    * * * * *
    Dan Owen - thank you! Let me know if you find something!

    * * * * *
    vrtlarica - I thought so, too, but like I said above to Mr. H., the male flowers and leaves look a bit different.

    * * * * *
    Holly - mystery is good, as long as there's a definitely answer/solution at the end! :) Yeah, the flowers are pretty. I'm waiting to see if this female flower/fruit thing will open up. That would be interesting.

    * * * * *
    Anonymous - since there is nothing else in our yard that look like this, I'm not sure how this seed could've gotten in the five-gallon bucket, unless it just came from the envelope of the Hale's Best Jumbo seeds that I "inherited" from some guy on craigslist.

  11. Prairie Cat - this is my first time accidentally "growing" a weed. Yeah, the flowers are pretty, and the fruit thing looks kind of interesting, but I really would much rather have a plant with something that I can eat. :)

  12. Very interesting! I've never seen this before, so can't be of any help to you, but I will follow along to see what comes at the end.

  13. Dirt Lover - I hope we can all eventually figure out what the heck I'm growing in this bucket. :-)

    * * * * *
    meemsnyc - your guess is as good as mine!

  14. I vote with Mr H and say it's Indian Mallow, which is also called Velvetleaf. Here's another site with pictures:


  15. HelenB - thank you for your comment, and I think you and Mr. H. are right! That is pretty much exactly what we have. The flowers on that sight look exactly like what we have. Sigh... We're growing a weed. :)

  16. May be a weed, but it's a pretty so many weeds are....
