
Sunday, September 5, 2010

Parsley Seed Bouquet

Inspired by the Ottawa Gardener, I arranged a bouquet of parsley seeds.

Freshly arranged bouquet

Close-up of parsley seed heads

Seed bouquet on our dining room table


  1. Well that is much prettier than mine. I love the closeup of the seeds. It does look very rustic-chic doesn't it?

  2. Thank you, Ottawa Gardener! Rustic-chic, definitely! :-)

  3. I totally love it! The close up is a great picture.

  4. I have never had my parsley go to seed. Actually, never seen parsley flower.
    Lovely bouquet and the closeup is very, very pretty.

  5. Thanks Kimmi! I also think close-ups of seeds make pretty pictures.

    * * * * *
    vrtlarica - Many people have said that they never let their parsley go to seed. I didn't let mine go to seed intentionally, but they just grew the flowers stalks so fast this spring and I wasn't around all the time, so I didn't really have a choice. No regrets here, though. The flowers were loved by beneficial insects all summer, and now I have more parsley seeds than I know what to do with. :-)

  6. Very pretty... that is one thing (among many) I don't do enough of~ bringing the outdoors in. I never would have thought of it!

  7. Heather - thank you! I would not have thought of it, either, if it weren't for Ottawa Gardener's inspiration. I thought it might look too "weedy" in the house, but it didn't! Even Keith said (twice!) that it looked surprisingly nice in the house and on the dining room table, which just pleased me to no end. :-)
