
Monday, June 13, 2011

6/13 Harvest - Greens and Peas

It's been almost a week since our return back home, and I'm still not as organized as I would like to be in the garden, at home and with married life in general.  This last name changing business is even more tedious than I had thought!  And going back to work this week means going back to my weekly commute to Texas, which means even less time at home to get things done.  But I couldn't miss yet another Harvest Monday, so here are some pictures of our harvest from last week. 

This was Sunday's harvest, consisting of a bowlful of china choy (seeds shared by Ottawa Gardener), some green onions, a handful of sugar snap and snow peas (some seeds shared by Prairie Cat), and some red romaine lettuce.

Here's a closeup of one of the red romaine lettuce leaves.  It's not quite as productive as some of the other lettuces in the garden, and it doesn't seem to tolerate heat very well, but I do like it for the color variety it adds to the sea of greens in the garden at the moment.

This was my first sizable pea harvest (both sugar snap peas and snow peas) this season, harvested last Tuesday evening.  I had such a hard time growing peas last year, both in the spring and fall, so I'm really glad to have better luck with peas this spring.  Finally, I can harvest fresh peas right off the vines and enjoy them raw or stir-fried just minutes later in the kitchen.  I was amazed that most of these pea vines survived the brutal heat wave over the last few weeks.  I'm not sure how much longer they will survive, though, as the lower half of most of the vines are starting to look brown and dry.  But I will certainly keep enjoying these homegrown peas for as long as they last.

I also harvested some chard - Fordhook Giant Swiss Chard and Ruby Red Chard.  The red ones are growing much slower than the white ones, and both will probably grow bigger with time, but I was impatient and wanted to try some last week.  I'm glad I harvested some of these young chard, because they made for a very tasty wilted chard salad!

I have a lot of onions growing in the garden and I harvest some as green onions whenever I want to use them for cooking.  It's little conveniences like this that keeps me gardening!  This year, I planted red, white and yellow onions, and I think the red ones look so pretty harvested as green onions.  I know that if I just snip these off above ground and leave the roots in the soil, they will probably sprout more green onions, but I really like seeing the red part and there are plenty more still growing in the garden, so I harvest most of these red ones whole.  Ahh, little luxuries.

I also snipped some flat leaf parsley to toss in salads and pasta.  These were grown from seeds saved from last year's parsley.  The cilantro that I planted in spring have all bolted during our long absence, but parsley seems to be holding up okay.  Like green onions, I really like being able to snip a bit of parsley here and there as needed, instead of having to buy a big bundle from the grocery store and feeling rushed to use them all before they wilt in the fridge.

One of several new vegetables for me this year is mizuna.  According to the seed packet, they are supposed to grow up to 12 inches tall, but I harvested my first batch at maybe half that size just to try out the flavor.  But things don't always go as planned, and these are still sitting in the fridge because we've just had too much greens to eat this week, and I figured these will probably last longer than lettuce in the fridge. 

Finally, here is another harvest picture from sometime last week.  I harvested a colander full of lettuce, another full of swiss chard, sugar snap peas, snow peas, turnip greens, and a bit more mizuna.  This might just be the largest single day harvest we've had yet from our garden!

I probably missed a few harvest pictures, but all in all, we harvested the following from the garden last week:
  • Lettuce Mix 1.38 lbs
  • Swiss Chard 0.32 lbs
  • Asian Greens 2.39 lbs
  • Turnips 0.22 lbs
  • Radish 1.0 oz
  • Green Onions 0.67 lbs
  • Peas (sugar snap and snow) 1.93 lbs
  • Parsley 1.0 oz
  • Weekly Total 7.03 lbs
While this seems like a lot of harvest for one week, I have to remember that this is what we got after three weeks of not harvesting anything during our absence.  But for now, looking at these numbers and just knowing how much fresh homegrown vegetables we were able to enjoy this week makes me downright giddy!


Unknown said...

Your harvest looks great!

And I hear ya on the name changing. I waited two years to change my legally ... what a PITA!

RandomGardener said...

You do have a lot of harvest this week! Lots of variety! Glad you're back on Harvest Mondays:)

Megan said...

Nice harvest! I agree about the pain of name changing. I got as much done right away, and started a new school and job shortly after, so it helped to even hear my new name right away!

My peas are starting to die out like yours with this heat. It's been nice while it lasts though!

Nellie from Beyond My Garden said...

beautiful harvest. My peas are just three inches high but lettuce, green onions and cilantro have been tasty.

johanna said...

Nice mix of garden bounty. I planted those prple onions also - might just harvest some for cooking.

johanna said...

Nice mix of garden bounty. I planted those prple onions also - might just harvest some for cooking.

Accidentalultrarunner said...

Great harvest! I'm jealous about the peas, mine are long gone. It was a horrible chore changing everything over. Make a list of what needs to be done and do one a day so it's not so crazy and over whelming. The most important one for me was my SSN.

Prairie Cat said...

Yum! What a fantastic harvest. I didn't get a chance to plant peas this year since we wouldn't have been able to harvest before we moved. Hopefully the heat doesn't get to them!

Barbie~ said...

Things will settle down soon. Meanwhile just look at all those goodies! WHoot!

Gingerbreadshouse7 said...

Every thing looks so good :o)...You have had a great Harvest.

Daphne Gould said...

Beautiful harvests. I'm really appreciating pea season right now. Though I do go out and pick fairly regularly. Whether I need them or not.

Robin said...

Wow, your garden is happy for sure! I know what you mean about the whole name changing thing. We have been married almost 3 years and there are some things that are still in my maiden name.

michelle said...

Very nice harvest indeed! The red romaine is pretty, it livens up the salad bowl as well as the garden.

Emily said...

Congrats on your marriage! The harvests look great. I'm jealous of your peas, ours are just blooming.

Shawn Ann said...

Wow you have quite a nice variety this year! I have noticed with my chard that when I snip off some of the leaves for use, they start sizing up a little faster! At least that is the way it seems! My red is definitely slower than my white too.

meemsnyc said...

Woo Hoo, look at all those snap peas! Wow and wow. I planted my peas a month ago and it's taking it's little old time to get larger let alone produce any peas. I'm hoping I'll get any! I am growing green onions for the first time this year. I agree, I love going to the garden and picking veggies I need to cook a meal. It's fantastic!

Jeff Vandiver said...

wow, you harvested alot for the week!

Thomas said...

Great harvest! What an amazing assortment of greens and peas. I love those onions. I grew them last year. Now I wish I had grown them this year as well.

Jody said...

Wow, for being so busy, you've really done a great job. So much variety! I hope our onions come in that well.

kitsapFG said...

What a nice kitchen garden harvest you are getting from your garden - lots of fresh produce in a variety and in good quantities to make for some good eating! I am still waiting for my sugar snap peas so I am jealous as they are so yummy.

Melissa said...

What a great mix you've harvested! get so tired of green, green, green all the time...For this time of year, you've hit it out of the park! Cheers!

Lynda said...

Beautiful harvest...I envy the peas...maybe this Fall for me.

~TastyTravels~ said...

Wowzas! Fabulous harvest! Welcome home! Congratulations on getting married! Here's wishing you both years and years of happiness!!

Malay-Kadazan girl said...

Your peas make my eyes wide. So many variety of harvest! Very nice.

gardenvariety-hoosier said...

Nice harvest. Like you I was amazed that the peas made it through the heat wave. I think the cool weather arrived just in time to save them.

Mac said...

Congratulations on your marriage,
The harvest is beautiful, the greens and peas are lovely especially those purple green onions.

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